5 benefits of letting your child play with Legos


Lego is a great entertainment game. This game not only helps children to be creative but also helps them develop many essential skills.

Lego is an assembly game that has been around for almost 80 years and Lego Duplo first appeared 50 years ago. It is surprising that colorful plastic pieces have become popular toys for children around the world. This game is both attractive and creative as a teaching tool for children to learn, so many parents choose this game for their children. In addition, parents can play with their children anytime, anywhere. Playing Lego is also a way to help promote the brain development of children. Here are some of the benefits of jigsaw puzzles for children’s development:

1. Develop social skills

By playing with Lego friends, your child can learn from friends and develop social skills. Children know how to share their thoughts and encourage communication skills with everyone around them. When children complete a pattern together, they need to work together to find the pieces. This helps them learn how to work in a team.

In a group, you often find one child has more leadership qualities than the rest. Of course, children don’t always agree with the “leader’s” idea while assembling the model. Therefore, this game will help children learn to communicate with friends as well as solve problems without arguing.

2. Good motor skills

When playing with large models, children need to focus on hand-eye coordination to take the pieces and put them together. These skills play an important role in developing biceps. In addition, this game also helps children improve dexterity, which is very important when learning to write.

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3. Learn math and science skills

Some parents want their children to be exposed to the fields of science, technology, engineering, and math. Although these are things you will learn as you grow up, the sooner you learn them, the better.

In addition to building models, you can use building blocks to teach your child simple math concepts. For example, you can ask your child to take different numbers of puzzle pieces or use 10 pieces to make squares, triangles, etc.

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Moreover, jigsaw puzzles help children think about problems in many ways. For example, at first, the child tries to build a tower with only one pole to support and then the tower falls. Next time, the child will try again by building a strong tower with more columns to be able to stand.

4. Stimulate creativity

After the successful assembly of the model, the child can create another image that does not follow the instruction book anymore. This is a good sign that the baby’s brain is working. You encourage children to imagine and build the image they want.

5 benefits of letting your child play with Legos

Once your child has come up with and created an image, you can ask him why he’s doing it to hear him explain his thinking. You can fuel your child’s imagination by coming up with a story around the characters he’s just created.

5. Problem-solving skills

Jigsaw is a game that requires constant problem-solving skills. For example, when a child realizes he or she is holding a puzzle that doesn’t fit the pattern, he or she will quickly find another matching piece to continue completing the pattern. This shows that children have to define in advance what they have to do and how to accomplish that goal.

5 benefits of letting your child play with Legos