Great way to teach children to clean their toys neatly and effectively


Most of the parents have been angry when they see their children’s toys piled up in a mess around the room because children often have the habit of putting all their toys everywhere. However, parents need to teach their children to voluntarily clean up their toys so that they are aware that after each play, they must clean up the toys and leave them in the right place and form a habit of orderliness and independence right from starting from small things first. This is an important skill to help your child do well at work and be successful in the future. To do that, parents need to patiently teach and encourage their children and have their own secrets.

Here are some sharing tips to help parents easily teach their children to tidy up their toys on their own. If you skip this stage, parents will have a harder time teaching them good habits later on.

 5 cách dạy bé tự động dọn dẹp đồ chơi Và hình thành thói quen gọn gàng ngăn nắp

1. Create a habit of self-cleaning toys for babies

Get in the habit of cleaning up your toys as early as possible. Parents should guide their children after playing with toys, they must put the toys back in their place and clean up everything on the floor or the places where the child has just finished playing. If this action is repeated often, it will create a good habit for the child. Especially when there are parents working with them, children will feel interested and imitate them.

This habit makes children understand that after playing with toys, they must voluntarily clean up, not to make a mess, but have to leave them in the right place. From there, it will help children learn independence and responsibility for their actions.

2. Wait until the baby has really finished playing

Parents should wait until the child has really finished playing with his toys and then ask him to start cleaning up the toys. For example, let your child complete a model or paint a picture. Parents, please be patient and create conditions for children to complete their work.

Bí quyết dạy con hình thành thói quen dọn đồ chơi

3. Turn teaching your baby to clean up toys into a fun activity

3 tuyệt chiêu dạy bé tự giác thu dọn đồ chơi vô cùng hiệu quả - KidsOnline

In the process of teaching your baby to clean up his toys, he can become distracted and feel unhappy, even hostile. Instead of shouting and yelling, parents should create an exciting atmosphere with funny activities or interesting games when collecting toys.

Parents can create a game of who puts the toys away faster or who picks up more toys. The reward when the child does well is a good child coupon, and when enough good child votes are accumulated, parents can let the child choose a gift to encourage them such as an ice cream, a favorite story book or a dress…

4. Record the child’s achievements

When the baby is done packing up the toys, show your support and appreciation for the child’s achievements. Instead of just giving compliments, parents should encourage their children’s efforts. Besides, parents can give useful suggestions for their children to improve the next time. This will make the baby feel that it is also important and necessary to clean up his toys.

5. The 5-minute reminder rule

To form a good habit, children need time to cultivate and adapt. In the process, your baby may forget or avoid cleaning many times. At that time, it is the duty of parents to monitor and shape their children, sometimes parents also have to be resolute.

When the child is almost finished playing with the toy, parents remind him when there are 5 minutes left for him to prepare, then 3 minutes – 2 minutes – 1 minute. This will limit the children protesting and paying the price for cleaning up the toys after playtime is over. Baby needs to complete the task and 5 minutes will be the time for her to prepare to clean up the toys.

Huấn luyện bé thu dọn đồ chơi: chuyện nhỏ nếu mẹ có tuyệt chiêu

6. Be patient and gently remind your baby

After the child has finished playing, gently remind the child to put the toy back in the right place before moving on to another job. This is important because children often forget their tasks quickly if no one reminds them.

For older children, don’t forget to tell them that tidying up their toys not only makes them easier to find when they want to play, but also creates a cleaner and safer room.

Parents should never make things stressful for their children if they have been reminded and instructed but the child still does not remember and implement. Because this will create a bad psychology for the baby, making the baby even more uninterested in the work of cleaning up the toys later. Instead, parents should patiently explain and work together with the baby, over time, the baby will be aware that after each play, the toy must be neatly and neatly arranged by the baby.

Hopefully, through this article, parents will be more confident in the process of teaching their children new skills. Teaching children to voluntarily clean up their toys or arrange their belongings is not difficult with the companionship of their parents.